Let’s get started

In order to get started you will need to sign up for a couple of different services that we will be using throughout the semester.

Google Classroom

The first one is Google Classroom. You’ll need to navigate over to the classroom landing page and add a new classroom and join a new class with the code



p5.js is a JavaScript library that we will be using for this class. If you don’t know what JavaScript is or what a JS library is, don’t worry about it. We’ll get the all sorted out as we go. In the mean time, head over to the p5.js Web Editor and sign up for a new account using your FCS google credentials.


repl.it is a great programming environment that allows you to program in a large number of languages, including python, java, c++, and JavaScript. In order to use repl.it you’ll need to sign up for an account.

  1. Navigate to repl.it and click “sign up”
  2. Sign up using your google credentials
  3. Once you log in with your google credentials you can fill out your profile or just skip that if you’d like
  4. now you’re ready to start coding!

Reflective Journal

Lastly, take a minute to tell me a little something about your previous experience with computers and coding. Some of you may have already seen this before in 8th grade, but I still want to know how your relationship with coding and computers has changed.

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