What is Computer Science?

So what exactly is computer science? To be clear, computer programming is NOT the same as computer science and computer science is NOT the same as computer programming.

Computer Science

Computer science actually has its roots much earlier than you might expect. In 1623, Wilhelm Schickard designed and constructed mechanical calculator. In 1834 Charles Babbage developed the first programmable mechanical calculator based on a punched card system derived from the Jacquard loom, and that same year, Ada Lovelace wrote what is considered to be the first computer program. In 1946 the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) one of the first electronic general purpose computers was built at the University of Pennsylvania. And the first degree in computer science was awarded from Cambridge University in 1953. A great visual history of computers science can be found here.

As computers have become more ubiquitous, the realms of study which are encompassed by CS also grows. Below is a quick layout of some of the fields of study. The ones that are larger are areas that we will hopefully cover in this class. scope of cs But for now let’s focus on computer programming.

Computer Programming.

So what do we mean when we say computer programming? To put it as simply as possible, coding is the process by which we instruct a computer to do something. While it would be nice if we could just whisper sweet nothings into the microphone of a computer and it would instantly understand our deepest desires, this is simply not the case. I will stress this over and over and over again throughout the course: COMPUTERS ARE DUMB. They don’t think, they don’t perceive, they don’t innovate. That the job of People; people like you. Computers just go 0001011010011. They just compute the things you tell it to do and nothing more.

In order to communicate with this heap of silicon and wires we need to come up with some very specific instructions. These instructions are called algorithms. The way we speak to computers is with a programming language. There are many, many, many different programming languages, but what they do all have in common is a set of predefined vocabulary functions and grammar syntax that the computer can understand. For this course we will be using a language called JavaScript. It’s a great language that is foundational to the internet. Some even go so far as to say it is the language of the internet.

Creative Coding

In particular, this class will focus on a discipline of coding called creative coding “Creative coding is a different discipline than programming systems. The goal is to create something expressive instead of something functional. Interaction design, information visualization and generative art are all different types of creative coding – which has become a household term describing artworks articulated as code.” -https://github.com/terkelg/awesome-creative-coding


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