map() function

In the next two lessons we will look at two useful functions map() and random() that will expand what we can do with our sketches.


In the sketch above, the color of the background changes based on the position of the mouse. The mouseX controls the amount of red and the mouseY controls the amount of blue. However, the value of mouseX is anywhere between 0 and 600 and the value of mouseY is anywhere between 0 and 100. As we saw before, the value for red and blue is between 0 and 255. So how do we get the full range of colors using mouseX and mouseY?

The map() function does exactly that by mapping one range onto another. map() takes five input arguments.

map(value, minRange1, maxRange1, minRange2, maxRange2)

What’s new about this function is that, unlike ellipse() that just draws something on our canvas, the map() function returns a number that we can then assign to a variable. So, if we want to map mouseX which ranges from 0 to 600 to the range for red, which goes from 0 to 255 we would write:

r = map(mouseX, 0, 600, 0, 255);

Mathematically speaking the map function works like this:


Video Explanation

width and height

We already looked at two system variables, mouseX and mouseY. These variables are built into p5.js and return a value based on the current state of the environment. There are two more system variables that will also be useful to us. They are width and height. These two variables return the width and height of our canvas. So instead of hard coding the width and height we can just call the system variables instead.

Like any variable you can perform basic mathematical operations on it. How would you create an ellipse that’s always in the center of screen regardless of how big the screen is?


Write a p5.js sketch that uses one axis of the mouse position to control the speed at which a “ball” moves across the screen and the other axis of the mouse position to control the size of the ball. Remember to make sure to use JavaScript Objects where appropriate Bonus Points Make it way prettier.

Submit a link to your code on Google Classroom.

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