FB Community Standards - 01 - Facebook Community Standards

In April of 2018, Facebook released its internal Community Standards with the goal to “encourage expression and create a safe environment.” The Standards are based on the policies of Safety, Voice, and Equality and outline 6 broad areas of objectionable content with 23 subcategories and numerous sub-sub categories. As is befitting of a tech company, the “Standards apply around the world to all types of content. They’re designed to be comprehensive.”

Setting the Stage.

Please read this article from NPR entitled Facebook Updates Community Standards, Expands Appeals Process

Answer the following question:

  • Why do you think Facebook decided to publish their internal standards?
  • How do the current standards differ from the previous community standards?
  • The author mentions that much of the decision making on what constitutes a violation of the community standards is done by “subcontractors who are stationed in distant countries and asked to review large quantities of posts every shift.”
    • How might this decision on the part of Facebook adversely effect the fair enforcement of their standards?
    • In what ways could the review process be modified in order to improve the fair enforcement of standards?

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